Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I see all the complaints that many of you express here on FB.. I see all the msg that go something like this, " I so dread going in to work" or "Man on the way to the plantation." Man if I have never have been able to help before, allow me to help you you by changing the way you think..Hit me if you want to change your LIFE!! In order to change your life you HAVE TO change the things around you that you can control. It is true that in this world there are a great many tihings that we can not change but there are a GREAT many things that "YOU" can change.. If you are stuck with negative thinking and all those around have negative thoughts as well then CHANGE who you are around... Have you ever seen how quickly weeds overtake a field of "potentially beautiful flowers". The weeds don't need to be water or nurtured, it just has to be there.. This is what YOU, "the potentially beautiful flower", is subjecting yourself to. Wow, CHANGE!! The more the weeds (negative people) are around you, the stronger the weeds is inthroned in you and how difficult it is to pull (change) these negative thoughts.. CHANGE!!! DON'T YOU DESERVE MORE?-CHANGE!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pass the Java

(NaturalNews) Have you been trying to kick the coffee habit? Well, before you say good-bye to your favorite morning drink forever, you may be interested in hearing coffee may not be so bad for you after all. In fact, it's been linked to a variety of health benefits. Did you know that one study shows even one cup of coffee each day can cut your risk for Parkinson's disease in half?Coffee's full of healthful components like magnesium, potassium and vitamin B3. And coffee is the American's number one source of antioxidants, says one 2005 study from the University of Scranton. Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that one cup of coffee can have more antioxidants than a serving of blueberries or oranges. Antioxidants play a key role in reducing the inflammation which is associated with many health problems ranging from heart disease to rheumatoid arthritis.